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 SMS to 556-264-182

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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 15:04

556-264-182, Ryker.
Who are you and how is your number in my phone???
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 15:17

556-961-348 - Dess.
Hi, Dess. We've met at this lovely café you seems to enjoy a lot and for the how let's just say I have my ways. How are you today ?
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 15:44

556-264-182, Ryker.
Are you some sort of stalker or something? You sure you got the right number?
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 16:48

556-961-348 - Dess.
Not a stalker, I pinky swear. Yeah I'm sure about the number. You seemed to be quite an interesting woman. I want to get to know you.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 17:05

556-264-182, Ryker.
How do you even know my name? I know no one in the Hamptons. Tell me you're not a friend of Lyle, that's the last thing I need.

Define interesting.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 19:39

556-961-348 - Dess.
People like to talk when you're being nice. I just had to find the right person.
Lyle ? Who's that guy ?

Let's just say I'm intrigued by you. I'm not used to people reacting like you did with me. I found it ... stimulating.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 20:12

556-264-182, Ryker.
I don't even know your name! The right person? What does that even mean? I'm so confused right now.

Lyle's my ex. Drop it.

Stimulating? In the pants? Listen. I don't need men in my life to survive like other girls. I'm not a damselle in distress. I can take care of myself by my own.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 21:30

556-961-348 - Dess.
Forget it. I have your number, that's all you have to know. Oh, yeah. I'm Ryker.

Sounds like an ass.

Wow, I do now see why I find you so interesting. I didn't meant it that way at all. In fact I was thinking more like ... Intellectually stimulating. I feel like it's a real challenge to get to know you, I'm curious to know why. And I don't doubt for a sec you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 22:08

556-264-182, Ryker.
Fine, Ryker. I hope you do know Dess is not my real name, and I will want some explanation eventually on how you got my number.

I said drop it.

Don't tell me the first thing that comes to your mind is that I'm intellectual. You're a man. Man only think of sex. Their world is rule by that simple rule. And what is it with all the compliments? I was defending myself, and now I feel like someone should give me some award or something.

And how do you this thing? This poetic sort of thing? It's turning me on, stop it. I don't need a man, I need guinea pigs that I'll name Vanilla and Cinnamon.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 9:47

556-961-348 - Dess.
We'll see about that explanation. Maybe around a drink sometime ?

As you wish.

Wow, you think really lowly of me I see. I was being honest when I said intellectual. Not that I don't think you're drop dead gorgeous, but I like a woman who knows her mind. And you certainly know how to put a man in his place.

I'll stop if you agree to get to know each other ? I do want to know more about you, Dess. Guinea pigs ? Isn't it kitten women want usually ?
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 13:51

556-264-182, Ryker.
If it's anything else but a Martini, a Cosmopolitain or whine, you're gonna drink alone. And this, is if you don't act like a dick.

We are not going into the ex thing, as I'm sure you'd like to keep your love life private, I hold on to mine, thank you.

I told you, I'm not a people person. I prefer to spend my days behind a computer or painting a wall. I learned soon in life to not depend on anyone, and I like that part of me. No man can come between this and me. I'm also going to take this compliment. Don't be an ass over it tho. Oh and Drop Dead Gorgeous? Also taking this. Thank you.

Actually if you want me to open myself about... well.. me, you're gonna need to keep on doing that sexy thing of yours or I'll fall asleep pretty soon. And no, I prefer things that don't screw up your new furniture. I'm an interior designer. Guess it makes sense.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 20:15

556-961-348 - Dess.
Good, I don't like to drink alone and your taste in alcool is totally fine. I'll behave myself, promise.

I won't push you, don't worry. It's off limits, I understand.

I don't want to come between you and your confort zone and I don't want to change you or anything. In fact I want to know more of you. I like the way you think that's why I want a chance to speak to you in person. I'm sure we're going to get along pretty well. Well, the compliments are sincere, I'm just being honest here.

Good to know you're finding my writing talents sexy. I won't let you fall asleep then. They are only doing such things if you educate them badly. They can behave themselves quite well if you're a good teacher. But yeah, I get your point of view. And I would love get to see your work.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 21:16

556-264-182, Ryker.
Fine then. I guess. When do you want this drink?

Already putting limits? I thought you wanted to know me. Well, I appreciate it, at least. Thank you for that.

Ok. The thing is, in person, I normally can't do much of a talking without going into giggles. Or I just generally put myself under the bus... alone. Without anyone's help. Yeah, I'm getting pretty good with that. And since you do are attractive, and sort of the type of guy who only says he's interested in me to mock me and my shy-ish attitude, I might just embarass myself. You can't say I didn't warn you.

Well, my house if full of this. So... And also, I like to touch to everything. A lot.

Forget this. It sounds way out of the context. And yeah. I just realized it. Sounds like porn or something like that. And now I'm gonna shut it, because I am blushing and it's not even fun. Just making a fool of myself, again. Please, tell me to shut up.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 17:33

556-961-348 - Dess.
When are you free ?

I do but I won't push you.

I'm not saying I'm interested in you to mock you. And I find it all very ... cute. I'm sure it'll be more than lovely to see in person. Hope you will let me see that, love.

Yeah, it totally sounded like that. And I don't mind wandering hands ... But I understand what you were trying to say. Oh please, love, I'm sure you're must be really cute and all with that blush on your cheeks. And please, never shut up.

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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 18:40

556-264-182, Ryker.
Hum.. I.. Don't know? When are you?

Well, since I feel like you'll annoy me later with this, let's get on with it. Lyle cheated on me for a short period. Twice. He broke up with me, telling me he couldn't look at me anymore. So that's it.

Wait. Let you see what????

Oh sweet baby Jesus. Now I'm blushing even more. Is it hot where you are or is it just me?
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 18:59

556-961-348 - Dess.
I can take time for you whenever you want, love.

Wow, that guy sounds totally like a dick. I don't understand how anyone could do that to you.

You have a dirty mind, love.

Damn, I'm totally missing it, that sucks. And it's totally you, love.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 19:24

556-264-182, Ryker.
Hum, ok. Let's say... maybe... next.. When are you not working? Because I was gonna say Thursday.

My lack of skills in bed was apparently the reason. He prefered his girls more slutty. Which, I do am sexy, but not a slut.

Me? Dirty mind? Hahaha. I'm laughing out loud.

Great, I can check the 'embarrasing myself' on my to-do list of the week. I'm sure you'll see plenty of red faces when we'll have a.. drink. Not the red face of 'I've done a lot of sport' or other activities involving cardio, and again, I should keep quiet, because you'll think dirty. Again.

Ok. Cross that text about the dirty mind. I do have one. Hope it's alright with you.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 19:30

556-961-348 - Dess.
Don't worry, I'll be free. So Thursday it is.

Yeah, men always say stupid things like that to hurt you because they know they can't find anything wrong about you to shove into your face.

Denying, I see.

You don't help with the "no thinking dirty" part, just saying ... But I'm looking forward to that.

I doesn't mind at all. Actually, I like it.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 20:21

556-264-182, Ryker.
Wow. Your boss must really like you to let you go out on a week day.

He didn't say this directly to my face. More his last 'lady' experience who told me I lacked of it. Still insulting. Hope you won't to this to me. Cause I might just do what I did to him. Which was punching him in the face. Real hard. Like, bloody nose, hard.

We pretty much covered the 'I'm dirty talking to you' basis. Of course you like it, you're a man. Men likes sex.

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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 20:28

556-961-348 - Dess.
Yeah, I do like me very much.

She was more than probably jealous of you. And he more than deserved that punch, if you ask me. And I'll remember not to ever piss you off.

I like it when you talk dirty to me, love.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 20:48

556-264-182, Ryker.
Ok wait, you are your own boss? What is your family name, so I can google you.

I would never ruin your nose. Unless you say I'm bad in bed, because I'm pretty sure I am not. Like, at all. But guess you'll have to see it for yourself.

Could we please forget I hit the send thingy on this one?

Please stop. You're only turning me on right now. And I KNOW this is the point of it. It's working. So stop it.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptySam 2 Avr - 19:35

556-961-348 - Dess.
Yope. I'm not sure it's a good idea that you google me. What if I wanted to play all mysterious and all uh ? It's Won.

Is that a proposition ? (;

Oh, no, I can't forget these words and don't want to.

Where would be the fun in that? I like the idea of you blushing and turned on. Must be a really good look on you.

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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptySam 2 Avr - 20:37

556-264-182, Ryker.
Fine. I will behave and not urge myself to go google you. Since you didn't google me or youtube me neither. And I appreciate.

I didn't recall putting an interrogative sign? Are you proposing it?

Oh, well. Shit.

Imagine yourself a cat with crossed eyes. I look like that. Probably.

Damn it, there ain't pictures of you with less than a suit on google. I google image you btw. Not google 'wikipedia' you. And I might have put the word shirtless. But since there are none, I'll just wait in person.

What is wrong with me? I say everything that goes into my brain. This is going to be annoying. Not for you, I know. For me. Well, at least you know my intention.
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Ryker Won

Ryker Won

Messages : 24
Inscription : 16/02/2016
Avatar + © : harry shum jr (my parabatai, tumblr).
Multinicks : Isis R.
Pseudo : renard argenté, vendela.

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SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptySam 2 Avr - 23:14

556-961-348 - Dess.
Can't say the same for me, I really want to go check now.

Mmm, yeah totally.

A very cute cat then.

I see you don't have much self-control. Good 'cause I totally just googled you too. Well, I'll be more than happy to let you see for yourself in person.

Yeah, it's so not annoying me, it's very entertaining. You never cease to amaze me. Yope, and I like what I read.
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Dess Raeghan

Dess Raeghan

Messages : 20
Inscription : 17/02/2016
Avatar + © : nina dobrev (© crick)
Multinicks : bran.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

SMS to 556-264-182 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-264-182   SMS to 556-264-182 EmptySam 2 Avr - 23:33

556-264-182, Ryker.
Go on if you want. Can't kill you. Or at least, if it does, try to come back to life, since you owe me a drink.

You just proposed to have sex with me??? Omg. Ok. I didn't expect this one. You are not shy. Like at all.

Hey, I tried but the tempation is very very hard ok? But since I didn't see anything, I'm still frustrated. Try youtube now: Dess Raeghan (@thedesscat).

Happy to keep you entertain then?

So, what you actually want from me is just a one night stand, like just sex, or you want to get to know me first and like wait for that bit until we know each other maybe a little more? Cause it's not very clear in my head. And I don't do one night stand. Or at least, I never did and I have standards, thank you. I mean, it's ok if you do have some.... But I don't. And won't so yeah. Just... wanna know where you stand in all of this.
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