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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 18:42

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
Hi, it's Bran. Hum, you know, that guy... Yeah I'm not very good with all of this.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 18:45

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
Hello. Yeah, I know who you are.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 18:48

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
I guess I did right when deciding to text you instead of calling you. You don't strike as the talk type of person. Still, you said hello, it's a good start. I can work with that.

So, wanna try to talk a bit?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 18:55

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
My parents raised me right.
You, on the contrary, seems like a very talktative person.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 18:59

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
And there it goes, from a great start to a tragic end. Thanks for that Isabelle.

Look, I don't know why you said yes to the offer of our parents, and right now I'm thinking you probably didn't, but we are gonna get married. And I don't know about you, but marrying a ghost don't sounds really fun. So either we both try to make an effort, or you keep being a little shit and we just spend the rest of our lives fucking other persons. Your choice. But I'm not the guy who's gonna endure a teenager crisis.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:07

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
If you want to start well, go for Isis from no one, thanks.

I'm not a child. I have my reasons like I suppose you have yours. And I don't know what you're trying to do but if it's upsetting me so I decide to prove you how wrong you are and start talking, sorry but you failed miserably.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:11

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
Right. Isabelle.

Oh, kitten, you are exquisite. Only begining her life and acting like a prick. This whole thing you're trying to do, the avoiding talking to me thing, is not attractive. You should review your flirting skills. You do are right for one thing, we both have our reasons. You know mine. I understand you want to keep it secret, but let's be clear. I'm not gonna fuck a little girl. And as I'm sure you will ask next, no, kitten, I'm not gonna shut my mouth. Or my fingers. You're stuck with me, I tried to be nice, doesn't work. Seems like you love angst and frustration. I can work with that, kitten.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:22

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
Wow. Good to know I'll have to pass the rest of my days with such an ass. At least we know what to expect of each other like that. Who knew phones could be so handy.

So, listen, Mister Douche, men like you, I see them everyday at work and when they go home, I know one thing for sure. It's their right hand that comes to greet them and frankly, I'm totally fine with that right now. 'Cause you know, I'm a little girl, I'm sure your five fingers are faaaar more experimented than I am so you won't see I problem I let you have private time from now on. I have some self-respect, I don't fuck jerk.

Dernière édition par Isis Ryesen le Jeu 31 Mar - 16:01, édité 1 fois
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:27

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
Such dirty words in a small mouth. Not impressed really. Well, I'm maybe a jerk, but I'm not a rapist. And as far as I know, you know nothing about me. Not even my job. So before judging people, try to at least be nice with them when all they want is to know who you are as a person.

I don't think this wedding thing is a good idea finally.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:35

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
Oh, did I upset you, sweetheart ? I guess we're both disappointed. I'm not the quiet, shy et compliant little girl who wanted and you're ... just an ass. Oh lovely.

You know, there's no better way to get to know someone that to upset them. Suddendly, they're showing what they truly are. See the good side, we won't be surprised once we have to see each other everyday.

So. It's so easy to make you go back on a decision ?
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:47

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
Actually, I think I prefered you when you had your mouth shut, kitten.

Yeah, like that was ever my choice to make. You really think I want this? All this crap you're putting at me goes in one ear and on the next and I just don't give a fuck right now. You're not interested, fine. Just say it and it's over. You don't have to do this, me, on the other, don't quite have a veto.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 19:56

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
Stop calling me that.

You're quick to assume I have a word to say in the matter. We're stuck with each other, suck it up. What did you wanted me to do ? Sugar talk you and tell you I love long walks on the beach and romantic diners or some shit ? Yeah, sorry to disappoint you. I have a big mouth, I don't like people treating me like a child, I prefer company of books at people and I would sign with both hands if I had free food for life and only had to kill someone.

Forget that last line.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 20:10

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen.
Don't tell me your parents forced you. Say that crap to someone else. You look fierce and independant, and a 'taking-no-shit' kinda girl. You would never agree to do that.

As for that last line, you do know I'm the chef at the firestation, right?

Maybe we'll work it out, kitten. Probably gonna go throw fangs and teeth along the way, but hey, I'm made out strong. I can send you a pick of my abs if you want. To make you coworkers jealous of your future husband.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 20:15

556-823-964, Bran Sargent.
Like I said, I have my reasons. But thanks, I guess.

Are you serious or are you lying so I shut up and play nice with you for food ?

Maybe, but first stop calling me that will you.
I won't send you a pick of my boobs in return, sorry.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 20:39

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen
I am being serious, I promise. Guess food is the key to you being nice. For the picture, I said abs, I don't want your ass or boobs. Actually, I don't want any picture of you, it would be ruining the real beauty you have in person.

Alright, we're gonna try something. Asking each other questions to get to know the other. No lying. You can throw shade and talk shit, I can take that. I mean, I know you're frustrated sexually. But I don't fuck at the first date. If you do well, I'll cook something. Tell me when, where and I'll make you something good. Once you taste my food, you never go back tho, kitten.

Yeah, I won't give up kitten or Isabelle. So better find me something suitting.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 20:51

556-823-964, Mister Douche.
Well ... I can make efforts for food. I may even be nice if your abs are really that good, just saying. Pff, you're sweet talking me and let me tell ya it won't work.

I was going to accept until you throw the sex shit again. I'm going to assume you are the one sexually frustrated here if you keep doing that.
But I gues I can make an exception. For food, of course. And i'll be the judge of that. I have high expectations now.

Okay. Deal. Trust me, you will give up. I can kick ass if needed.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 21:09

556-878-241, Isis Ryesen
Maybe you just don't want to admit I'm not an ass. But hey... If my sweet talk works.

The thing is, kitten, sex isn't important. I won't touch you until you crave me. Until it consumes you and you beg for it.

Ladies first, ask me anything you want.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 21:21

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
You're still an ass. Hot abs or not.

You wish. SMS to 556-878-241 3717682687

Okay huh got some hobbys other than cooking good food ?
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 21:30

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
You wish.

I do love to save people as a job. I like music, books, Netflix. Going to the gym. Pretty boring things, actually. What about you?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 21:45

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
We'll see.

Oh buddy, if you think you like boring things, then you don't know me.

I do graphics for a living, loving that. Not as honorable as saving lives but I could accidently kill the person instead so better stick with my artistic side I guess. I love food, binge watching tv shows, books. I take self defense class, just sayin' so don't mess with me too much. And my favorite hobby is not doing q&a 'cause I suck at them.

Your turn.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyDim 27 Mar - 22:10

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
If you don't like the DC Universe, I might have to kill you.

What's wrong with my q&a's? They are amazing, shut up.

Alright. How did you learn about the proposition for the wedding?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 10:12

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
The marvel universe is wayyy better, it's facts.

It's because you're good at them.

Oh, you dive right into serious matters.
At diner time, they throw it out like a random fact, they're very bad with tact. It was something like "You're going to get married, want more bouché à la reine ?"
What about you ?
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 15:00

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
You like playing with my nerves, already.

My father did some bad investment and lost all of our money. Now we're broke and the only way to get back on tracks without anyone in the Hamptons knowing it, is distract them. And of course, the wedding of the Sargent and Ryesen, two friendly couple, best friends since the beginning of time, is surely gonna be enough. Also, I think your dad is giving mine some money or something like that since we'll be family. Let's just say I didn't have a choice. My father told me about it right after calling your father. "Son, we lost our money and can't lose our dignity. You'll marry the Sargent girl for us, right?''

How old are you really? My parents said 24 but I'm not really sure.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 15:12

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Yope, it's fun.

Well, now I know why our families are friends. They didn't actually asked for my opinion in the matter, even if they tried to make it look like I had a saying in this. Let's talk about something else will we ?

Haha, I guess your parents don't wanted to frighten you or they were affraid you'll change your mind, who knows. I'm more like twenty-one actually.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 15:33

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Don't make it an habit.

With great pleasure. As for your age, I am going to kill my father, just give me a minute.

Alright. I'm close to thirty. This is non-sense. And you forgot your question, just saying. So I'm gonna ask you one... Do you really want this? Could you live knowing you'll be married to me?
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