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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 21:20

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Perfect. I'll take care of it. Promise.

You do know that sounds like porn, right? I don't mind when it's rough. SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 260363624
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 22:59

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I won't forget you promised.

Oh God! I didn't meant it that way ! You perv ! Wait. I was so right about you're twisted mind actually ! My little finger never lies, see.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 23:53

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
I told you I would take care of you. That includes your finger.

It was a joke, calm down. It was only to get a reaction out of you. Guess it worked.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:01

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I'm so relieved to know my little finger is in good hands. I was so worried about it's fate.

Yeah yeah, I don't have doubt about your perv mind anymore so cut the crap.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:03

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
You should be worried about other things than your fingers. I'm not always gentle with some lady parts. If you know what I mean.

Hey, don't blame me. You're the one who said something with two senses and made me think with the wrong part of my body. I'm a guy, what's your excuse, kitten?

I do have a perv mind. And you'll become my wife. So. You're gonna hear that crap all day long.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:08

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
If you're waiting for me to say something like 'stop it, you're turning me on', you'll wait forever.

It's your brain that got it wrong, so it's definitely not MY fault.

At least you stoped denying it, we're making progress.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:13

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Forever. We'll have forever, kitten. I can live up to that moment.

My brain, your fingers. Who REALLY got it wrong, hun? The writer, or the reader?

When are you gonna stop denying? Denial can't go on forever, kitten. Though you seems to like that forever thing.

Please tell me you don't want a wedding like in the books. Because it will end on a Romeo and Juliette note. I will litteraly take my own life to not go down that road.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:19

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
You're an optimist person I see. One can always dream but the reality will be hard, trust me.

Defenitely you.

I'm not denying anything.

I ... don't know what to answer to that. You do call on drastic measures.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:24

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
The reality is; we'll be married, and eventually your parents - or mine -will ask for little children. That mean us, having sex to get a baby.

Put the blame on the man, go on. Do it. It's so easy to do.

Oh, please. You wreek of denial and I'm not even close to you, kitten.

Isabelle, tell me you were not thinking about it! My man's dignity is on the line here. Have some respect and compassion.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:31

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Ugh, parents sucks. And think about it. Little you AND me. We're going to kill ourselves or them. I don't want to be a child murderer.

It's easy because it's the truth, duh.

I don't wreek of anything.

God, it's really fun to see you freak out so easily.

Dernière édition par Isis Ryesen le Jeu 31 Mar - 16:03, édité 1 fois
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:39

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
THEM? You want more than one????? God.

Woman always say that. It's funny.

Oh, but you do, kitten. Denial. D-e-n-i-a-l.

You were kidding, right? Right?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:42

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Oh God, why you keep reading it wrong ???
And you were supposed to be shocked by the fact I was suggesting about us murdering the fucking child.

Yeah, and men always reply that. Funny.

You're acting like a child right now.

Uh .... I don't know ... Maybe ? Maybe not ... Who knows. SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 1634260855
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyMer 30 Mar - 0:48

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Well..... I'm not. We are agreeing on something. We will murder them.

Stop it. It's not funny anymore.

Yope, mom. But you do are in denial, just admit it.

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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyJeu 31 Mar - 15:14

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Ok. I'm starting to like ya.

Oh, it is.

You can go on all night with it and I'll still say the same. Nope. No denying anything at all.

Oh man, it sure is ! I can't stop laughing !
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyJeu 31 Mar - 22:16

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Yeah, me too. Guess we'll never have to discuss the child matter, since we'll have none. Let's start with a dog. Or a cat. And then after maybe, adoption. Still it's a long way till there.

No, it's not. My manhood pride is taking it personnal.

Alright, miss-no-denial.

Isabelle, tell me you are kidding! I can't. I just can't. If you want this, you're gonna find a ghost at the aisle. Speaking of wedding, what kind do you want? Have you thought about it?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 16:22

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I'm only okay with adopting a dog. Or a cat, but I'm affraid you will be even more infuriating with the nicknames.

The men and their pride, always so funny.

Whaterver, mister douche.

Yeah, totally kinding don't worry. I don't know, I kind of hate weddings so I never go to them. Sooo whatever doesn't include a lot bunch of crazy people. But I do want a big cake.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 17:39

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
You're right. I'll have enough with you and a dog. Don't need babies or kids. Which is too bad, considering how gorgeous they would be.

You do have an ego too. And you get pissed at litteraly everything a week per month. So leave us that.

Big cake, less people. Got that. I guess I'll let you do the cake test when it's time then.
What do you think of an outside wedding? Like, with flowers, lanterns. Only our families and some important rich people our parents force us to invite. Maybe our friends, and that's it? Like not even a hundred people?

Wow. We are talking about our wedding. That evolved pretty quick, kitten.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 18:36

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I won't last long with you AND kids. I will not only plot murder but actually do it, cute kids or not. And actually, I don't get it people finding them cute. They look like evil little things actually. And ours would be even worse.

Point taken.

I'm totally the one doing the cake test, I didn't see that otherwise. For the rest ... I'm okay if I get to skip the talking with people part, I leave that to you.

It's not like we could avoid talking about it since we're the one getting married.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 18:45

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Hey, hell runs in our DNA. Not our fault. Let's stick with something you won't be able to kill. Like.. hum... yeah. Let's forget any living things.

Of course you are. And if you really are bothered with that, I'll do the talking. And we're bringing that fucking cake home. We are not letting anyone take it.

You know you could have refused to wed me. Your father would have taken another man.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 18:53

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Yeah, I kill even plants on a daily basis so I think I'm goind to end a murderer soo... Want to be my partner in crime ?

Good to know we're on the same page. And ... thank you for the talking part.

No one gets to touch that freaking cake. Except you, you can. So yeah, I like the sounds of that plan.

I know.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 19:02

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Like Bonnie and Clyde? Yeah, I'm up for it.

We both know I'm the one who does the talking so. You're welcome kitten.

I appreciate it. Really. Sure it will be the best fucking cake I'll ever have eaten. I thank you for that. Maybe I'll do like the normal couples and put some frosting on your nose.

Why didn't you?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 19:24

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Bonnie and Clyde ... Hum, I like it.


It will def be the best. A cake that big just for us, damn I can't wait for that part. I prefer it in my mouth.

I guess ... I prefer someone who's family is friend with mine that some random guy.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 20:05

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
When you think about it, it's really sexy and badass.

Again. Wow, I'm getting good.

And it'll be amazing. Can we skip the wedding and just take the cake? Like. Is this wedding only for cake? Cause I agree if we both marry the cake too. Hum...Is there other things you like in your mouth?

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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 20:25

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I have to grant you that.

Yeah, but I won't make an habit out of it so don't get all worked up.

I'm in for all of it. Skipping the wedding and marrying the cake. I'm loving that idea actually, some much better. Oh boy, you and your dirty mind ! This is a thing you'll never find out.

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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 3 EmptyVen 1 Avr - 21:19

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
We are making progress here, Bonnie. Kitten Bonnie.

Of course, you are the boss.

You know I have a dirty mind. That's not new. I just like to picture you blushing at those lines. And by the way, since we'll get married, I'll probably figure it out some day.

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