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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptySam 2 Avr - 19:41

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
You will never drop the nickname obsession, uh ?

Sure thing, I am !

I'm so not blushing. Oh God ! You didn't just say that. I will do you a huge favor and forget you ever write those words. 'Cause if I don't I'm might castrate you when we see each other.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Hum... Not for the time we'll be married, engaged or know each other, probably.

Isabelle Ryesen-Sargent, the boss of everyone and eveything. A Khaleesi and queen. Bow down before her or you'll get your head cut!

Ha, I don't think you would dare. Because we both know that would involved you getting in my pants and you don't seem to want to go down that road.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptySam 2 Avr - 21:51

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Still will want to kick your ass everytime.

Huh-huh, keep going, I like the sound of that.

Don't try me 'cause if I ever go down there it won't be pleasurable for you. And now you can imagine why. So, again, don't try me.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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556-878-241, Isabelle Sargent (Kitten)
Alright. I'll bring you to a gym and we'll try boxing so you can kick my ass. Fine with you?

Now I know what to call you in bed. Can I say godess too?

Of course, if you say so. Sure you'll love it tho. When we'll do something together.

Wait. Actually. If you don't want to go down there, doesn't mean I can't go down YOUR there.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

Contact List:

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptySam 2 Avr - 23:04

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
You cocky bastard, you totally think I can't kick your ass, uh ?

What make you thing you'll have the opportunity ? Huh-huh, keep going, keep going. It's growing on me.

Ooookay I so don't know what to say on this one.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptySam 2 Avr - 23:27

556-878-241, Isabelle Sargent (Kitten)
That's why I am proposing this. So you can prove it to me, kitten.

If I keep on calling you this sweet, sweet name, maybe one day... we will? Godess, khaleesi, queen, femme fatale, badass woman. Man, all you need is a whip and you're Catwoman.

Because you know I'm right and you'd like it, or because you are just blushing at the idea?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

Contact List:

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptyDim 3 Avr - 11:58

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I don't have anything to prove to you ... But the idea of actually kicking your ass is too tempting.

If you keep going on .... I might say okay to holding hands.

I am not blushing but I have to concede you that it did do things to me.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptyDim 3 Avr - 12:03

556-878-241, Isabelle Sargent (Kitten)
Of course you don't. But.... It's tempting, isn't it.

Progress right here kitten. I'll do research to keep the compliments going.

I like the sound of that and can't help but smiling at the idea of you being turned on.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

Contact List:

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptyDim 3 Avr - 13:09

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Yope, very. You will regret to have suggesting it to me.

You seems so thrilled about the holding hands perspective. You're weird.

Yeah, I'm sure you must be very pleased with yourself right now.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

Contact List:

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 4 EmptyDim 3 Avr - 13:35

556-878-241, Isabelle Sargent (Kitten)
I will probably enjoy you kicking my ass more than yourself.

Is it weird to want to hold hands with a sexy and beautiful woman who'll become your wife? Is it really? I don't think I'm weird for wanting that with you. But hey, if you say I am, I'll be pleased to be. Just for you tho.

Pleased doesn't even begin to cover it, kitten.
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