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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 16:30

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I can't make any promise about it.

Your face must have been priceless right now.

And yet, its seems we're the only ones to think that. Don't you worry, I'm not five anymore. I know what I'm getting myself into. Are you having second thoughts ?
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 16:57

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Priceless wasn't the word I would have used. More of a... 'I will commit a murder' face? Yeah.

Second thoughts? What are you thinking? I will back off to run with a man? No, I'm not that kind of guy. And I love a challenge. As for the five years old, you do seem mature for your age, still doesn't change the fact we have eight years of difference.

Dernière édition par Bran Sargent le Lun 28 Mar - 17:38, édité 1 fois
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 17:19

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I have no doubts about that. You know my number if you need help to hide the body.

Well, it's settled then. A challenge ? Sorry to bring it to you but I'm more of a living hell, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. But hey, it will never be boring at least.
Are you already thinking about getting in my pants or sth ? That's why the age-gap is bothering you ? 'Cause that's really not one of my concerns.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 17:47

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
What a lovely way to begin a marriage. I'm starting to like you.

Right, hell. I can live with that.

Not one of your concerns? What do you mean? What are you concerned about, that I'll ruin your life? No, that's not why I'm worried. Image is everything in the Hamptons. I don't want people to think I'm a rapist or a sexual predator. That's all. Sex is the last reason for this marriage, of that I want to do as of being married. I'm not only thinking with my bottom part.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 18:30

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I expect the same from you when needed, of course.

I'm starting to think you are either underestimating me or overestimating you.

Wow, you're quick to make assumptions. I wasn't even thinking about that. But hey, good to know sex isn't a priority of yours and that you're willing to make your right hand you're new best friend. I was afraid I'll have to hurt your ego on a daily basis by giving you the cold shoulder. 'Cause you know, you kind of threatened me to make me so frustrated I would beg you or sth ya know. Just wanted to check if you were a man of your words or if I just upsetted you back then.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 18:37

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
As milady wish, of course.

Who said we need to have only one bedroom? I know you like books. I'll make a goddamn library so you'll go there when I'm sick of you. I'm not underestimating anyone, I'm simply intelligent.

Oh, you'll beg. Eventually. I'm just not the kind of guy to push it. As for my right hand, I guess the same goes for you. What a lovely honeymoon we'll have. Do you also want to discuss the kiss at the wedding? Like maybe... not doing it? Yeah, I knew you were a virgin.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 19:30

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
I like clever ideas like that. I will have somewhere to go when you're being a douchebag too like that.

Yeah, keep dreaming that. Touché. I do like people who can do the "tac au tac" thing. Oh, I like that idea of the honeymoon, it means more time to read.

Damn what is it with guys thinking young women who don't dig sex are virgins per se ? Is it some sort of fantasy implanted in your DNA ?
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 20:04

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
See, I knew we could figure it out.

I don't dig it, either is it a fantasy. It's a nightmare, if you want my point of view. I just want to know where you stand I guess. I don't want to force anything but hey, I'm a guy. It is in my DNA to think with the wrong part of my body. At least, you know it.

Like you didn't mind seing me shirtless, I wouldn't mind seing you in a bikini. It goes both way, attraction, kitten.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 21:20

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Yeah, I know you guys and the fact that your brain is not in the same area than mine. I have to say, you seems to be a very confused man right now and it's very funny to read.

Where I stand, huh. Well, I think sex, love, emotions, it's all distractions I don't need. But I'll answer your "question" 'cause I'm feeling magnanimous. I'm not one, you can relax, you won't shock me in anyway possible.

I recall you saying something like you didn't want any picture of me, 'cause it would be ruining the real beauty I have in person. And I wouldn't want to ruin it.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 21:32

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
I'm always confused, that's not news, really.

Good to know, even though I think it's bullshit and that your feelings run you. You like books. Books make you feel something, that's why you come back to them. If you were a cold-heartless beast, you wouldn't read.

Did I mention pictures, kitten? I was thinking about real life.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 21:39

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Doesn't mean they're not a distraction. It's just the only distraction I accept.

Haha. Sure, you are. Abs, remember ? I only accept to show you my abs too.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 21:48

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Yeah, right. If it makes you sleep at night.

Like that's fair! I was shirtless. You saw way more than my abs.

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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 21:54

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Yeah, whatever. I don't expect you to understand.

I totally knew it ! You want to have a look at my boobs and butt. You can't fool a girl with pretty words.

Maybe if you ask reallllly nicely in person, I might change my mind.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Mar - 22:00

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
What? You had your heart broken and now you can't love? Or were you raised to hide your feelings?

Don't put words in my mouth Isabelle. I said bikini. I'm not that perverted.

So that I can show you even more? Yeah, not gonna work, kitten.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 9:40

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
We don't know each other enough for this so just drop it.

Yeah, that's what you want me to believe. SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 1443660937

You think vile things of me, Mister. And stop calling me names.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 13:42

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Right. Books but not people.

That's what I actually wrote. Again, do not say things I didn't.

You love it when I call you kitten, Isabelle.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 14:23

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
People are more complicated than books.

You may have wrote it but doesn't mean you can't have thought something else and my little finger tell me you did.

Don't call me that or I will have commit murder when we meet in person. And you know I am capable of such things, sweetheart.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 14:53

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
Depends who.

Humans still can't read mind if I recall. And your little finger can't always be right.

Don't call you what kitten? Isabelle? Or kitten? You know I won't give it up that easily. I'm 1,9. You'll have a hard time trying to put me on the ground.

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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 15:23

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
People always say that, still waiting for them to prove me wrong.

My little finger never failed me, ok, it's always right so stop denying it already.

Both actually. I hate nicknames other than the one I go by.
And don't tempt me to prove you wrong.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 15:46

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
I'll prove you wrong.

I never had your little finger, I can't tell.

Isabelle isn't your nickname, kitten. It's your name.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 18:38

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Yeah, whatever.

And I don't share it with anyone so you won't be able to know like ever.

Yeah, I'm aware of that fact since I hear it on a daily basis. But doesn't mean I like to go by that.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 18:46

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
You'll fall madly in love with me. Just wait for it.

You forget we'll get married. What is yours will be mine. Wink

Why not? Isabelle is a cute name for a kitten. You nicknamed me 'asshole'. I can give you one or two. Plus, your name is beautiful, why shorten it?
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 19:59

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
A man can always dream.

Nope. I won't share my little finger, sorry.

Except I'm not a kitten. I didn't- Ok. I did, but it was only because of you are one. Last I checked I don't have furr. I just don't like it, that's all.
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Bran Sargent
bring on the fire, bring on the snow
Bran Sargent

Messages : 87
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : matthew daddario (©hepburns)
Multinicks : dess.
Pseudo : the cat who walks.

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MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 20:08

556-878-241, Isabelle Future-Sargent
A man, or a woman. Funny thing you are one.

Fine. I won't share my food then. Make your choice.

Maybe you don't have furr, but you do have claws and teeth. See. Kitten. Suits you perfectly Isabelle.
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Isis Ryesen
- clever as the devil and twice as pretty.
Isis Ryesen

Messages : 71
Inscription : 14/02/2016
Avatar + © : danielle campbell (catwalks, tumblr).
Pseudo : silverfox, vendela.

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SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: SMS to 556-878-241   SMS to 556-878-241 - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Mar - 21:15

556-823-964, Mister Hot Douche.
Oh nasty move ! Ugh. I let you get it expertise then but you better cook a lot of goodies.

Keep on the nicknames and you'll see how much teeth and claws can be put at good use.
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